Defending any server from DDoS is always like , protecting a virgin on a lonely island from 100 rapists. But we have a effective method to stop these brutal f*cking to protect our respective Apache web server. Here we have one Apache module called Mod_evasive, Mod_evasive is an Apache unit that is intended to boundary the shock of unusual types of attacks like Distributed Denial of Services Attack or may be brute force
on your web site/server. while incorporated with iptables, mod_evasive
can set up to even larger attacks. The component detect attack by
creating an domestic hash of IP Addresses and URIs, and denying any single IP address
from executing request a page more than the allowed times per second,
make more than 50 concurrent requests per second on the same child
process, make a single request while blacklisted
On any DEBIAN based operating system like Backtrack 5 R2 or Blackbuntu just follow the following command to install it.
$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-evasive
After its installation done , the component is already enabled and is defending your web server automatically.
On any DEBIAN based operating system like Backtrack 5 R2 or Blackbuntu just follow the following command to install it.
$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-evasive
After its installation done , the component is already enabled and is defending your web server automatically.